“Learn How to Hypnotically Force Recruiters to CALL You For Interviews. GUARANTEED… ”

If you are not getting interviews...

If recruiters are not calling you...

Then your resume is to blame.

Most resumes have  ONE or ALL of these major problems...

  • Fails the 14 second scan test...
  • Doesn't attract employers because it's diluted with too much information.
  • Doesn't make your phone ring, because employers can't visualize you working for them.
  • Passed-over by recruiters because the content doesn't flow.

When you add it all up -- You are leaving so many jobs on the table and you're not even being considered for the ones you're qualified for.

Don Georgevich, Author and Career CoachMeet the Resume Doctor:

Hi, I’m Don Georgevich, resume writing specialist & job coach.

I understand how frustrating it is for you to send out resumes and get "no response."

It's downright heart-breaking when you're qualified and they don't even acknowledge you.

It's depressing, I know, but if you're willing to spend a little bit of your time and let me teach you a few resume tricks, I can help you.

I recently delivered an eye-opening resume improvement workshop.  And it was one of the best, most enlightening workshops I’ve ever done - and I want to share it with you.

This is a 100 minute training workshop where I got down and dirty with every nuance of resume writing and the exact reasons why most resumes perform poorly and what you can do to super-charge yours with a powerful dose of creative adrenaline that will turn it in to an employer magnet.

This is not a “start from scratch” resume writing lesson, but a full-tilt training workshop to show you how to make your resume 10x more effective than it is right now.

These are the secret underlying strategies that make your resume come to life and allow employers to visualize you working for them, even before they’ve meet you.

Most resume writers don’t even know the stuff you'll learn in this workshop.

It’s all “pure gold” content and you’re going to love it.

Here’s what you’re getting today:

Resume Workshop Course Description

Module 1 - Diluting the Effectiveness of Your Resume - 5:37

  • Why too many skills is a “turn-off” to employers
  • 4 reasons why your resume is diluted
  • Why a resume with less skills will get more calls from employers
  • Why your resume is ambiguous and turning away prospective employers

Module 2 - How Does a Resume Work - 4:15

  • An inside look at a recruiters thought process when they read resumes.
  • Make your resume stand out from the crowd like a magazine cover.
  • Connect the dots and make employers want to call you.
  • Learn why your resume always ends up in the trash.

Module 3 – Passing the Resume Scan Test – 28:46

  • I asked the audience to briefly look at 4 resumes and identify the best looking one. (The results will surprise you.)
  • I review 4 other resumes, and tear them apart to show you why recruiters like them so much, and how you can style your resume after them.
  • Engaging resumes vs. duds – is yours a dud?
  • Why you should be using numbers to quantify your results.
  • Why a 1 page resume is better than 4.
  • How to condense 30 years of experience to a one page resume.
  • How to add valuable skills employers seek.
  • Best way to show you worked the same job, but received multiple promotions.
  • How to show continuity from job to job.
  • Review and critique of an Executive style resume.

Module 4 - The Key to Landing the Interview is in the Job Description - 7:18

  • A blueprint for what employers are looking for in the candidates they seek.
  • How to make your resume a perfect match for the job description.
  • How to spot the most valuable keywords in a job description and use them on your resume (hint: it’s not what you think)

Module 5 - How an Ice Cream Cone Can Help You Write a Stronger Resume - 4:31

  • No joke. When I show you this, you will be amazed.
  • Explains how employers eliminate candidates.
  • Employers are not looking for a good candidate, they are eliminating the bad ones.
  • When you watch Module 5, I guarantee a light will pop on in your head and you’ll never think about your resume the same way again.

Module 6 - Solid Tips for Making Your Resume Stand Out - 7:52

  • How to make your resume scream “over-achiever”.
  • How to show your best volunteer experience.
  • How to be a solution to their problems.
  • How to avoid looking like dead weight.
  • How to use Action words to describe your experience.
  • How to test if your resume has the right flow.

Module 7 - Effective Resume Styling and Fonts - 12:14

  • The Resume style recruiters prefer most.
  • Which font to use and why.
  • Why you should be using a PDF formatted resume.
  • How to pass the 14 second recruiter scan test.
  • How to make appropriate deletions – you have too much stuff on your resume (I know you do)
  • How to get rid of experience that adds no value, but hogs up valuable space.

Module 8 - Should You Lie on Your Resume? - 3:03

  • A resume is not a confession – how to omit experience without lying.

Module 9 - What to Leave Off Your Resume - 13:27

  • Important items to leave off your resume.
  • My proven formula for deciding what to leave off your resume

Module 10 – Best Ever Resume Advice – 10:38

  • How to write your resume for the job you want and why most people write theirs for the job they have, and end up with the same job, again.
  • This really is the best ever resume advice I have shared.
  • How to make a killer LinkedIn profile that gives you credibility and how to get a free LinkedIn Training program from me.

What Are You Getting?

  • You get all 10 video modules - 100 minutes of pure training – accessible from your online members area.
  • You get all the Power Point slides used in the workshop.
  • You get all the sample resumes (8 in all) that I picked over in the workshop.
  • You get the real life job description I used in the workshop that shows you how to identify and read between the lines of all job descriptions.
  • You’re going to learn how to dissect your resume, find the mistakes and fix them.

I guarantee you will find many of the same mistakes I identify in this workshop on your resume. And they will all be things you never thought of or ever considered.

It’s a great online workshop you can watch at your convenience, as many times as you want.

If you already have a resume and you feel it’s not doing as good a job as you’d like, then my Resume Doctor workshop will help you make your resume the best it can be, even if you had your resume professionally written.

You’ll learn how to fix your resume even when you don’t know what’s wrong or what to look for.

If you're not happy with it, you've got a 30 day money-back guarantee to protect you.




Order Now! $97
Get it Today, Only $37

PS - When I was asked by a local job club to present a resume workshop, I started from scratch. I could have grabbed some content from my book, dropped it in Power Point and everyone would have been happy, but not me.

You see, I like to over-do everything. And this workshop is no exception. I spent 60+ hours gathering up my best underground resume strategies and retooled them in a way they could be presented and taught in a classroom (harder than it sounds).

Then I wrapped them up in a 100 minute video presentation for you.

No guide, no website, no resume expert will ever share what I’m about to share with you in this workshop. Why not you ask, because very few people know resumes at this deep level like I do.

And you have my personal guarantee that you have never seen or heard about most of the strategies and concepts I’m going to share with you or I’ll give you your money back.

Grab this now while it’s priced so low.